"The Lego brick is not initially thought of as a material typically used in creating art. But as an Architectural Artist, it lends itself perfectly to my applications just as paint to a painter or metal to a blacksmith" - Adam Reed Tucker.
Over the past two months I've been grinding away at my first commissioned Lego model. My local library (one of the best in our region of Michigan and one of the reasons we chose to live here) is a gorgeous building, a wonderful resource, and a perfect setting for a Lego reconstruction. Built in conjunction with a monthly artist demonstration event I was asked to build at, the model contains over 5,000 Lego elements from 23 different resellers as far away as Germany. Two months is a tough timeline for a project that should take five to six months, but with some help on the backside of things and the pseudo-flexibility of homeschooling, I managed to get from blueprints, photos, and drawings to the placement of the final, custom-engraved elements in just under eight weeks. The model is now property of the library, and will remain on display in the lobby.
In other news, as of yesterday, my personal site, paulvermeesch.com, is now live. This site will be a portfolio of sorts as well as an umbrella for my different interests, and a method by which I can be contacted more easily. Eventually, this blog will likely be migrated over to that site as well once I can iron out the kinks of Wordpress.
And not only have I been building a small library and small website in the past few weeks, I've also been building a small business. Through paulvermeesch.com/lego, I am now available for Lego modeling commissions. Drop me a note with who, where, or what you'd like to see built out of plastic bricks, and I'd love to talk with you about it!
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