Friday, January 13, 2012

Thirteen Thousand Words

"The length of this document defends it well against the risk of its being read." - Winston Churchill

     I couldn't help but think of our 1,990 page healthcare bill when I read this quote, but that's not why I included it. I didn't feel like writing much today, so here's a few of my photographs instead. Considering the old Napoleonic adage, "a picture's worth a thousand words," I suppose you could say I've written thirteen thousand words. Perhaps, had we replaced our healthcare bill with pictures, we could have had the stack of printouts only be 1.8 inches tall instead of 9. I'm sure the environmentalists in the House of Representatives would have preferred that option. Oh well.
     The following pictures are taken with a Canon T3 and kit lens that I purchased back in September.

Sunsets are so entirely boring and cliché if you don't have a silhouette to throw over top of them. I got pretty lucky with this shot. The light and the natural framing did all the work for me.

An interesting brick facade that converted quite nicely to black and white. There's just a touch of photoshopping to correct a lens distortion on this particular shot. 

I had no idea what I was doing when I took this, but apparently a 1/200th second exposure wasn't enough to freeze the water droplets from the watering can, but a fill flash created sparkly refractions within the streaks of water. 

Taking pictures of people is hard for me, but once in a while the people will actually, somehow, end up in the right place at the right time... with the right aperture and exposure and ISO...

Following are a few Lego figure photographs. This first one is a representation of Sherlock Holmes' arch nemesis, Professor James Moriarty, from Conan Doyle's famous collection of mysteries. Holmes can be seen in the background of this photo. It was primarily an experiment with the water vapor from a humidifier. I found that it creates relatively convincing fog and smoke on this scale.

Robin Hood. The thieving protagonist of many an English legend. 

Prince John. The all around, no-good antagonist of many an English legend.

And finally, a representation of the Fiddler on the Roof. This picture is entirely backlit, and the sun is just a hole cut out of the orange paper. 

Thanks to all the people who's permission I did not ask before putting photographs of their animals or selves into this blog post. Lego men not included.